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If you'd like to promote our properties on your Facebook page or profile, sign up here!

Advertising Banners

We are now offering you the opportunity to use our unique banner system to advertise your business.

Our website is one of the most popular in Spain and growing every day. As of September 2011 we are ranked 3000 in Spain 100,000 in the world and have over 88,000 visitors per month - that's more than 1 million people a year. And they could all be looking at your business.

We offer all the people of the area a one-stop website whereby they can get ALL the information they require, whether they already live in Spain or are moving over or visiting, our website can help them with every aspect of life.

We have 100 banners on offer and once gone there will be no more for sale so you need to get yours on the site NOW or you may never get the chance again.

Your banner will be online all day every day advertising your business and service, not like the local papers that are discarded after being read.

Your banner can be designed by yourself and edited when required, it will be placed on all the main pages of a site or sites and will link directly to your own website and will rotate from page to page on a time rota, so as to give you maximum coverage.

The marketing of our sites is not limited to the internet, we will be talked about on the local radio and our posters will be seen in the windows of all the businesses that use our FREE service section. We have 10,000 branded beer mats being distributed to the local bars and restaurants each month that will direct people to our site, so that more people will see your banner advert.

For every property advertised within the ASL Group, a video is automatically produced and shown on YouTube in several languages!

Also, our unique Twitter system automatically responds to Tweets that ask about topics related to Spain, driving traffic to the ASL website, where your banner will be seen!

This is a unique opportunity to advertise on a very large and popular website that is growing every day.

To order your banner TODAY, use the button below.